ES RAFAL RUBí (Southern)
Naveta of Es Rafal Rubí (Southern)



At 200 m of the highway from Maó to Ciutadella. To the left of an asphalted road that leaves it in the latitude of the kilometre 6.800 and communicates it with the "Camí d'en Kane", primitive highway that connected both cities.




Of elongated horseshoe plan and facade of lightly concave base.

We accede to its interior for a practically square door with a doorcase formed by three big cyclopean blocks. Next, we find a corridor at the end of which there is a kind of chimney (an area with more height) that gives access to two chambers, an inferior one and another superior.

To the inferior chamber, we enter through a perforated flagstone, with a rabbet to insert the door in the superior part. The superior chamber has lost the cover that should be as that of the ground floor, that is to say, of big flagstones in horizontal position.

When it was dug, two brass pieces, one of them a biconic pearl of necklace, as well as diverse fragments of globular vessels were found in it.



Pretalayotic (2000-1400 B.C.) - Talayotic I (1400-1000 B.C.)


At few meters, there is another of the same type (see you "Es Rafal Rubí (Northern)").

© Ferran Lagarda i Mata, 1996-2012 (text and pictures). All rights reserved.